Upper School Cognition and Learning Groups

Upper School Congition and Learning Groups

In upper school we now have groups that take place each morning (Monday- Thursday). In these groups, the children are taught Maths and English with peers of a similar ability. This has enabled us to really challenge all the children at their own individual level. We have already seen a rise in the progress the children have made since starting the groups in September and the children’s confidence with problem-solving is coming on leaps and bounds! The children also have opportunities to develop friendships with children from other classes in Key Stage 2.


Sunflowers - Libby Fitton

Poppies Group- Danielle Alty & Connor Moffatt

Roses - Alex Jardine

On the Groups pages will be a breakdown of what your child will be learning in Maths and English over the next half term. If you are unsure which group your child is in or would like any more information please contact school and ask to speak to Danielle.

Thank you,

Danielle Alty- Assistant Headteacher KS2


Welcome back to our Roses page!
The final term! In English, we will become news reporters as we focus on school, local and national news. We will identify what an article, headline and picture is in a newspaper, and discover the different types of sources of news. We will then deliver a short video broadcasting some news from our very own classroom.
In maths, we are focusing on time, subtraction, multiplication and division, sorting and measurement. 
Please come back to see all of our news reporters!



Welcome back to the Poppies Page!

In English we are will be turning our attention towards questioning with a focus on interviews. Our group will interview familiar adults and score their answers, hopefully our staff can keep their jobs!

In Maths we will continue to develop our understanding of multiplication and division through arrays as well as applying the chunking method. We will also consolidate our understanding of previous areas such as time, statistics and measurement.

It’s a super busy term with transition and school events, make sure to come back and check out our pictures! 



We will be preparing for many changes such as transition to new classes. In English we will be using ‘Talk for Writing’ to support our reading and writing skills. The children will be reading and rehearsing the story, creating story maps and changing elements of the story.
In Maths we are keeping super busy! We will be covering lots of topics such sorting, subtraction difference, time and multiplication and division. We love to learn practically in Libby’s Sunflower group while having a sensory experience.
Our Sensory learners will be working hard on their communication skills particularly focusing on sharing their voice and choosing.
Please come back to see all of our hard work!

Burnley Campus, Barden Lane,
Burnley, Lancashire, BB1O 1JD


Lisa-Jane Brown and Holly Mackenzie

01282 953710


Karen Alty


Eve Taylor


The Georgia Fourie Butterfly Fund was set up in 2009, in conjunction with her parents, in memory of a very special pupil who sadly passed away after many years of bad health.