Early Help at Holly Grove

Holly Grove offers its own Family Support department which can be easily accessed via the school office.


Meet our family support team - Nick & Shagufta


If you feel you would benefit from any support from our team then please contact Nick or Shagufta on 01282 682278 or by email

Nick n.barrett@holly-grove.lancs.sch.uk
Shagufta s.nasir@holly-grove.lancs.sch.uk


early help bubble.png

The experienced and knowledgeable team are on hand to initially support families who meet the criteria of level 1 (universal) and level 2 (universal plus) of the ‘Level of Need’

This may include, but by no means exhausts areas of support in claiming benefits e.g DLA, accessing charity funding for equipment and activities that will benefit your child, positive behaviour support in the home, sleep support and signposting to appropriate respite activities.

We can make referrals to the Paediatric Learning Disability Service, who can support your family with all aspects of your child's behaviour and they also run courses to promote your understanding of why your child may behave in a certain way. For more information you can contact the Family Support team or look at the additional info at the bottom of the page. 

Our team also has links to the Children and Family Wellbeing Service and access to a Community Senior Family Support Worker (CSFSW.) If it felt a family needs may require level 3 (intensive support) or level 4 (specialist support) then a case consultation would be held with the CSFSW and an ‘Early Help Plan’ or referral into social care may be made on your behalf.

Please note that the family support team would seek your permission at all levels of support unless there is a safeguarding concern.


Here are some useful links if you need advice and support:



Files to Download

Burnley Campus, Barden Lane,
Burnley, Lancashire, BB1O 1JD


Holly Mackenzie

01282 953710


Karen Alty


Eve Taylor


The Georgia Fourie Butterfly Fund was set up in 2009, in conjunction with her parents, in memory of a very special pupil who sadly passed away after many years of bad health.