Keeping Safe Online

Under 18 and worried about online sexual abuse? To report, click the button below to visit the CEOP safety centre. 



At Holly Grove we believe in protecting and educating our children in the safe use of computer technology.  As children become more proficient at accessing online content, we must ensure that they are taught to be as safe and responsible as possible.

Please see below for our child friendly E Safety Poster which is located in every classroom at Holly Grove.

To celebrate Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 11th February 2025, Holly Grove School will be having a Safer Internet Week (10th-14th February 2025). We have officially registered with the UK Safer Internet Centre and have received this special certificate (see below)

What can you do at home?

Here are a few ideas to help you become safer online at home…

Set some boundaries

It’s never too early to to do things like set time limits for the amount of time they can spend on the computer.

Set up passwords

Keep devices like your mobile phone out of reach and make sure you have passwords/PINs set up on them for the times you might lend them to your child … or for when they simply get hold of them themselves.

Check the age ratings

Check the age ratings or descriptions on apps, games, online TV and films before streaming or downloading them and allowing your son or daughter to play with or watch them.

Set the homepage

Set the homepage on your family computer or tablet to an appropriate website like Cbeebies.  For older children create a separate user account with appropriate settings and make the most of Parental Controls and tools like Google SafeSearch.

Explain your rules

Explain your technology rules to grandparents, babysitters and the parents of your child’s friends so that they stick to them when they’re looking after your child.   Bear in mind what older siblings might be showing them on the internet, mobiles, games consoles and other devices.  Set and agree rules as a whole family.

With thanks to Vodaphone Digital Parenting Magazine

Find out more …


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Burnley Campus, Barden Lane,
Burnley, Lancashire, BB1O 1JD


Holly Mackenzie

Courtney Mercer

01282 953710


Karen Alty


Eve Taylor


The Georgia Fourie Butterfly Fund was set up in 2009, in conjunction with her parents, in memory of a very special pupil who sadly passed away after many years of bad health.