Julie's Class 2024 - 2025
Julie’s Class – Me, Myself and I
Our theme this term is learning all about Ourselves. We will be looking at similarities and differences in how we all look. We will look at the colour of our eyes and hair, how tall we are and what we all like and dislike.
In Geography we will be looking at where we live and what is available in our local area. We will be exploring how to make a map of a favoured place.
In Science we will be looking at the human digestive system and identifying different types of teeth in humans.
In Art we will be making self- portraits using paint, pencil, pastels, charcoal, inks and also on the interactive whiteboard using a paint programme.
In English we will be listening to the Fable “The Lion and the Mouse”. We will be using props to re tell the story and act out main events in the fable. We will also be looking about poems and rhymes all about lions and mice.
In Maths we will be counting out objects and looking at numbers and their formation. We will also be looking at shapes, their names and how many sides they have.
All our lessons will be very sensory and we will be exploring objects related to each topic by looking, listening, tasting, smelling and feeling. We will also be doing lots of moving in our lessons whilst we explore activities.
We are looking forward to getting to know each other this term and we are very excited to be back in school!