We are Reading

Holly Grove took part in Lancashire’s ‘We are Reading’ initiative in 2018. Although this initiative is no longer running we are committed to encouraging a love of books and reading for pleasure in all of our pupils.
Reading is proven to support children’s learning across the curriculum and also improve social and communication skills. Early pre-reading skills are vital and include improving children’s vocabulary, learning new words/signs and symbols and developing their speaking and listening skills..

It is important time is spent on learning to read practically decodable books (bug club – see below for information on the bug club) and also reading for pleasure. These are books they have chosen themselves or books being read to them by an adult.

To help your child we are asking you to read with them as often as possible, whether it be listening to your child read, reading a story to them, sharing a picture book.

We have taken part in the following events:

‘Reading in an Unusual Place‘

Reading Rox Hunt – Our Upper KS2 children joined with Holy Trinity School to create, hide and search for book related rocks.

Tales on the Turf – 3 of our pupils attended a special reading event and workshop at Turf Moor with other local primary schools on the 20th November 2018.

Mary Poppins – Our Year 6 pupils will attend a special adaptation of Mary Poppins in December at our Campus Library

‘Snuggle up with a book‘ afternoon on the 17th December where we will be serving Christmas treats and inviting parents/carers in to snuggle up and read a book round the Christmas tree with their child.

Fence Village Hall – Choose a book – We are very lucky that one of our Grandparents/Governors has arranged for us to visit Fence Village Hall once a month to browse through their donated good quality books and choose one to take home, ensuring every child receives a new book regularly. A huge thank you to Christine Bancroft for arranging this for us.

Regular Reading Challenges in school.


‘We are Reading’ pledge:

Holly Grove School will:

  • Becoming a reading school.
  • Seeking out every opportunity to improve standards in reading within our school.
  • Encouraging reading for pleasure.
  • Enabling children to read in depth in a wide range of subjects, deepening their knowledge and understanding across the curriculum.
  • Working with other schools, our local library and other partners to promote reading as a life-long skill.

Keep an eye out for the weekly newsletter as from next week we will be adding a word / sign and symbol of the week for you to learn with your child.


Phonics Bug Club

We as a school believe in the importance in learning to read and write but most importantly, developing and fostering a love of books.
All classes have daily shared and guided reading sessions and a reading corner where pupils are encouraged to develop their own interests and choose books for pleasure.

All pupils take part in daily Phonics lessons using Phonics Bug Club/Jolly Phonics and when ready, children are taught to read using phonically decodable books through the ‘Phonics Bug Club’ reading scheme. Pupils are able to read these books both in school and at home by taking copies of the books home or by accessing them electronically on a computer, laptop or tablet using their individual password. Workshops will be provided for parents wishing to support their children with this.

Files to Download

Burnley Campus, Barden Lane,
Burnley, Lancashire, BB1O 1JD


Holly Mackenzie

01282 953710


Karen Alty


Eve Taylor


The Georgia Fourie Butterfly Fund was set up in 2009, in conjunction with her parents, in memory of a very special pupil who sadly passed away after many years of bad health.